Hi, I'm Megan. I am a writer, a photographer and an international public health professional. After a year-long research project in Indonesia, I'm back in my hometown, Chicago. It's great to see white snow again, but I miss the fresh coconuts that machete-slinging street vendors would chop open and sell to me for a mere 50 cents. Currently looking for ways, other than hibernating in a hat and gloves under my comforter, to stay warm. Please contact me at mmryan1@gmail.com to pitch your ideas. (FYI - I already tried hot potatos in my pockets, an old Irish tradition)

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

simple is better

As much as I love making things more difficult than they have to be, I've decided to simplify my blog and use blogger instead of wordpress. I must admit, Wordpress lured me in with it's widgets and promises to attract readers. But empty promises they were! No one uses wordpress, and what's the fun in blogging if you can't follow other bloggers, and they can't follow you??

So tune in here for future posts. To see my previous ones go here: http://meganryan24.wordpress.com/

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