Hi, I'm Megan. I am a writer, a photographer and an international public health professional. After a year-long research project in Indonesia, I'm back in my hometown, Chicago. It's great to see white snow again, but I miss the fresh coconuts that machete-slinging street vendors would chop open and sell to me for a mere 50 cents. Currently looking for ways, other than hibernating in a hat and gloves under my comforter, to stay warm. Please contact me at mmryan1@gmail.com to pitch your ideas. (FYI - I already tried hot potatos in my pockets, an old Irish tradition)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

This is for you bloggers

Because so many people use Blogger, and I use wordpress, I made this psuedo-blog so that I can follow you Bloggers and you can follow me. Here is the link to the blog I actually write in: http://meganryan24.wordpress.com/.

Enjoy :)

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